About the Baxter Family Charity

The origins of Baxters was seeded from an act of kindness that to this day keeps paying forward, not only through the business itself, but through its charitable giving.

George Baxter borrowed 11 guineas enabling him to open a small shop from where his wife Margaret began making jams and jellies with fruits from the gardens of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon. Over a century later, what started as a small shop is now a global enterprise.

Without the trust, kindness and generosity of George's family, Baxters may never have been. This understanding lies at the heart of our purpose, vision and mission – to give back and pay forward.

Our Purpose, Vision and Mission

Our purpose is to empower our communities for generations to come.  

Our vision is for a world in which our impact has created endless ripples of positive change.

Our mission is to provide support and funding to organisations, individuals and initiatives of importance that will facilitate growth and prosperity to the communities in which we serve.

Our Values

  • Cultivate Positivity - we believe in planting today for tomorrow's growth, ensuring our actions leave a positive lasting impact.
  • Continuous giving - we are committed to the principle of continuous giving, ensuring that our support is relevant, long-lasting and impactful.
  • Rooted in heritage - our actions are guided by our rich history, drawing inspiration from our origins and the stories that shaped us.
  • Community catalyst - we see ourselves as enablers, opening doors and providing opportunities for communities to flourish and thrive.
  • Global reach, local touch - while our aspirations are global, we ensure that our actions resonate at a local level, supporting initiatives that matter most to the communities we serve.

Baxter Family Charity

The origins of Baxters was seeded from an act of kindness that to this day keeps paying forward, not only through the business itself but through charitable giving.

The Gordon & Ena Baxter Foundation

The Foundation considers applications for capital expenditure from registered charities and community groups across Scotland's North and North-east.

The Baxters Giving Programme

The Baxters Giving Programme complements and enhances the fantastic charitable activity already taking place across our sites and offices.

Board of Trustees

Our charities are governed by a board of trustees, including representatives of the fourth and fifth generation of the Baxter family.