
The website has been evaluated against the WCAG 2.2 AA criteria. The following components and areas of the site have been checked and confirmed to meet the necessary accessibility standards:



  • Text Alternatives: All images and non-text content have appropriate alt text descriptions.
  • Time-based Media: Captions and transcripts are provided for all video and audio content.
  • Adaptable: Content is structured and presented logically, using proper HTML tags (headings, lists, etc.) to ensure it can be easily interpreted by assistive technologies.
  • Distinguishable:
  • Text can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or functionality.
  • Content is not presented solely by colour.


  • Keyboard Accessible: All interactive elements (links, buttons, forms, etc.) can be navigated and used via keyboard alone.
  • Enough Time: Users have control over time limits on content and can extend or disable them if necessary.
  • Seizures and Physical Reactions: No content on the site flashes more than three times in one second.
  • Navigable:
  • The site provides clear and consistent navigation mechanisms, including a site map and breadcrumb trails.
  • Links and buttons are descriptive and indicate their purpose.
  • Focus indicators are visible and clearly show which element is currently focused.
  • Input Modalities: The site supports various input methods, including keyboard and mouse.


  • Readable: The language of the website is programmatically determined, and text content is written in a clear and simple manner.
  • Predictable:
  • Navigation mechanisms and interactive components behave in predictable ways.
  • The site avoids sudden changes in context, such as auto-submitting forms without user confirmation.
  • Input Assistance:
  • Input errors are clearly indicated, and suggestions for correction are provided.
  • Form fields include labels and instructions.


  • Compatible: The website content is compatible with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies.
  • HTML/CSS Validation: The site’s HTML and CSS code has been validated to ensure proper structure and compatibility with assistive technologies.

Tools and Methods Used

  • Automated Testing Tools: Axe, WAVE, and Lighthouse
  • Manual Testing: Conducted with keyboard-only navigation, screen readers (NVDA, JAWS), and colour contrast analysers
  • Code Review: HTML and CSS validation through the W3C validation service

Non-compliant Areas

While has been evaluated and largely conforms to the WCAG 2.2 AA standards, there are a few areas where full compliance has not been achieved. These areas have been identified and documented below. Addressing these issues would require changes that might impact the brand identity or involve extensive resources. However, it is important to be aware of these potential non-compliant areas to make informed decisions about future improvements.­­
Potential non-compliant areas
1.     Secondary Colour (Gold)
Issue: The secondary colour (gold) used in various design elements does not meet the WCAG 2.2 AA contrast ratio requirements.
Reason: This is a brand colour integral to the site's visual identity and cannot be changed without impacting the brand.
Impact: Users with visual impairments, particularly those with colour blindness, might find it difficult to read text or distinguish elements using this colour.
2.     Linked PDF Files
Issue: PDF files linked on the website are not accessible to screen readers.
Reason: The current PDF documents were not created with accessibility in mind and lack necessary tags and structure for screen reader compatibility.
Impact: Users relying on screen readers will have difficulty accessing the content within these PDFs, which may lead to an incomplete understanding of the information provided.
3.     Third-party Plugins
Issue: Some third-party plugins and widgets used on the site do not fully comply with WCAG 2.2 AA standards.
Reason: These plugins are developed by external vendors and may not have been designed with accessibility as a priority.
Impact: Features provided by these plugins may not be fully usable by individuals with disabilities, potentially limiting access to some site functionalities.
4.     Dynamic Content
Issue: Some dynamic content updates (e.g., AJAX content updates) are not announced to screen readers.
Reason: Lack of ARIA live regions or appropriate notifications for dynamic content changes.
Impact: Users with screen readers might miss important updates, leading to a fragmented experience.


Based on the audit and testing conducted, complies with the WCAG 2.2 AA accessibility standards. The website is accessible to users with a wide range of disabilities, providing an inclusive experience for all visitors.
We will be revisiting the above non compliance areas in due course, to make sure that our website is as accessible to all as possible.
Contact Information
For any questions or further details regarding this accessibility compliance report, please contact