30th Craigalmond Scout Group

30th Craigalmond Scout Group is a registered charity which provides a wide range of activities and opportunities to 170 young people aged 4-14 each week in North West Edinburgh. Young people from the community take part in challenging and unique activities, including many which have a positive impact on the local community; for example, assisting with the Summer Gala, Christmas Lights Switch on event and litter picking in the local area.

As part of the 30th Craigalmond Scout’s centenary celebrations in 2024, the Scout Group took 31 of its members to Kandersteg International Scouts Centre, Switzerland for a week, providing a wonderful opportunity to explore another culture, gain independence, access a wide range of activities and meet Scouts from all over the world. 

To reduce the cost of this trip, make it accessible to all who wished to go and ensure the young people attending enjoyed the best possible experience, various fundraising activities were organised. To support the efforts, the Baxters Giving Programme made a donation for the purchase of materials required for the trip, including equipment and transport. 

“The trip was a resounding success, offering the Scouts invaluable experiences of international camaraderie, adventure, and personal growth. The support from Baxters Giving Programme was instrumental in making this enriching journey possible, and for that, we are immensely grateful. Thank you so much!”