Forres Heritage Trust


Forres Heritage Trust embarked on a project to illuminate three of the town’s historic buildings – the Tolbooth, Mercat Cross and Nelson’s Tower. It took three years from the initial idea to the great switch on, with volunteers raising £130,000 to make the vision a reality. Thanks to this huge community effort, the heritage is now placed in the spotlight for years to come. The Foundation noted the heritage value of this project and was pleased to award £5,000 towards the Tolbooth floodlights. 

The lighting schemes have received very positive comments and we are already getting requests to light up the buildings in different colours to represent certain high days. The trustees remain thoroughly committed to the objectives of the charity and are supported by the best volunteers as we look forward to another season where we hope to welcome visitors to the Tolbooth and tower and give them a bit of an experience of past life in the burgh.