Fort William Bike Park

Flood Lights

Fort William Bike Park opened in September 2023 after six years of campaigning, planning and fundraising by members of the local community. It includes a pump track, skate park and adaptive track and is a great addition to a town known for its outdoor opportunities. The Foundation was pleased to support this project, which attracts young riders from near and far. This £15,000 award was specifically used for floodlighting the facilities, enabling year-round use.

The Fort William Bike Park is now up and running and can be used throughout the dark winter months thanks to the generosity of The Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation who helped to fund the construction of the floodlights. It is vital that the quality of lighting is first class to maintain safety and enjoyment for all the riders using the facility. Without their generous help the Bike Park would only be open through the short period of daylight throughout winter.