Garioch Girls' Rugby Club

Garioch girls’ rugby team is part of the Garioch Rugby Football Club based in Inverurie, attracting players from all over Aberdeenshire and Moray. 

In June, the girls’ rugby team was the only Scottish girls’ rugby team to take part in the United World Games in Austria.  The international event has a wonderful, positive ethos and provided a fantastic experience for the club’s U18 and U16 teams. 

Baxters Giving Programme provided funding for the club to purchase kit for all the players taking part, including team tops, training top and travel tops.  This took the burden of the cost away from the players and their families and brought a sense of unity and belonging to the team as they proudly represented their club during the event. 

“The Garioch Girls Rugby Club trip to the United World Games was a great success and support from the Baxters Giving Programme was vital to making it happen. The overall experience was transformative for the confidence of some players and not just around rugby. Some of the players had never left the UK before and seeing the smiles on their faces at enjoying new opportunities and personal achievements was incredible.”