

A cookie lets a website recognise your device and store some information about your preferences or interactions.

Why we use cookies

We use cookie tracking data to make informed decisions on whether the site is meeting your needs, which leads to us making improvements. For example, we monitor how much traffic each part of the site gets and work to improve areas which are not being found when they should be.

The cookies that we set on the Baxter Family Charity website cannot be used to identify you personally. Find out more about how to manage cookies for all websites here.

Turn cookies on or off

We use 3 main types of cookie on our website. You can choose which cookies you're happy for us to use. Any data collected is anonymous.

  • Cookies needed for the website to work (required)
    These cookies do things like keep the website secure. They always need to be on.
  • Cookies that remember your settings (optional)
    These cookies do things like remember pop-ups you’ve seen, so you're not shown them again.
  • Cookies that measure website use (optional)
    These cookies store information about how you use our website, such as what you click on.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how you use the Baxter Family Charity website. 

We store information about:

the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page

how you got to the Baxter Family Charity website

what you click on while you're visiting the Baxter Family Charity website

We do not:

collect information that can be used to identify you; for example, we never receive your name or address

make any attempt to find out the identities of people visiting the Baxter Family Charity website

allow the tools that we use to find out the identities of people visiting the Baxter Family Charity website

sell, trade or give your details to third parties, unless we are required to do it by law

All information we get through cookies and analytics will be treated in confidence.

We anonymise the last 3 digits of all Baxter Family Charity user IP addresses for Google Analytics, so that we can ensure that you are protected (you can read more about how this works here). We can only see a general overview of which regions and cities you may come from, not where individuals access from.

Find out more about security and privacy in Google Analytics.

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies. 

Google Analytics' cookies

Further information

You can email us for further information. Email: