Fochabers Men's Shed receives Foundation thanks

SEP 11, 2024

MEMBERS of Fochabers Men’s Shed have been thanked for their help in maintaining a local beauty spot.

New edging barriers around the car park and pathway at the Famous Fochaberians Garden have been erected thanks to the group, who completed the job over the summer. It is not the first time the Men’s Shed volunteers have given their time to the gardens, having previously created new benches and border markers.   

The gardens are maintained by The Gordon & Ena Baxter Foundation for the benefit of everyone and chairman George McIntyre thanked the group for its continued support.

He said: “Keeping these gardens in good shape takes a lot of work and we are so grateful to have the help of the Men’s Shed, who really do go above and beyond to play a part.”

"The gardens recently fell victim to vandalism when a lower picnic bench suffered damage and the Men’s Shed again stepped in to help. Fortunately, incidents such as that are rare, with the vast majority of people treating the area with respect.”

The Gardens were opened by Gordon Baxter in 2002 to celebrate the contribution of 21 ‘Famous Fochaberians’. They were designed in recognition of their significant achievement or distinction. Like-minded individuals who provided financial support for the creation of the gardens at that time were recognised by way of a series of stones.

To remain true to the vision of Mr Baxter and the other men and women involved in their establishment, the gardens are now formally closed to any new memorial or planting.

We hope that this special spot, with its beautiful views along the Spey, continues to be treated with consideration and care. We are fortunate to have such strong local support and we are very grateful to all those who play a part in keeping this area so beautiful. We know they are a source of local pride for many and a popular spot for visitors too.

Sarah Rollo, Foundation Manager